Residential Tree Service

Roseburg Residential Tree Services

The key to a beautiful and refreshing lawn or landscape in any Roseburg neighborhood is well-maintained, healthy trees. The upkeep of the trees in your property can give your home a fantastic look, as well as boost property values due to the additional appeal.

Residential Preventative Tree Services

The crew of Advanced Tree Service provides the following preventative tree services that will guarantee that your trees will stay in a healthy, gorgeous shape throughout the rest of the year.

• Pruning and Trimming. The excessive growth of tree branches and limbs leads to uneven, misshapen trees that also create potential safety hazards for the entire neighborhood. An expert pruning and trimming controls this growth, keeping your yard safe and good looking.

• Tree Spraying. Your trees are vulnerable to a variety of threats, such as insects, fungi, and other tree diseases. An annual or semi-annual spray treatment can prevent these threats from affecting your trees.

• Cabling and Bracing. Some trees developing balance issues or suffer from minor damage that can endanger nearby property or people. We apply metal braces and cables to keep the stability of the tree and prevent it from falling.

• Other Maintenance Services. We also provide other continuous tree maintenance services, including fertilizing, mulching, and several more. Just contact us to see what else we can offer you.

Residential Removal Services In Roseburg

There are times where preventative services are not enough for your lawn, and you might need to get rid of a tree or a stump entirely. Improve the safety and aesthetic value of your landscape with the following residential removal services:

• Stump Grinding. An unwanted stump not only clashes with the style of your lawn, but it also creates additional problems, such as attraction of pests, physical hazards, and taking up additional space. We use state-of-the-art grinders to target the roots and remove the stump in a prompt manner.

• Tree Removal. Dead or diseased trees can impact how your lawn looks and bring other problems to the other trees. Our expert tree removal process considers the details and finds the most efficient way to remove these trees. We will also clear any leftover waste.

• Emergency Removal. Storms, wind, and other situations can damage your trees and create hazardous situations. In case of emergency, contact our 24/7 services for a fast, safe removal.

Advanced Tree Service is the top choice for residential tree care services for over 20 years. Contact us today and find out why we have become so trusted among the Roseburg community.